An other aspect that the software Crankshaft Balance Design calculates is the fluctuation of the crankshaft speed during the cycle, in fact, the energy developed by the combustion is concentrated in a one part of the cycle and is redistributed according to the inertia of the crankshaft and the elements connected to it.

This determines a different crankshaft speed and consequently a different duration of phases, therefore the inertia, especially at low loads, can also influence the fluid dynamics of the engine and therefore modify the performance.

The software calculates then the duration of the phases in function of the fluctuation of the crankshaft speed and also shows how is modified the duration between the stroke of compression and expansion.
Changes of intake and exhaust phase duration for crankshaft inertia - Crankshaft Balance Design by NT-Project
Fluctuation engine speed for crankshaft inertia - Crankshaft Balance Design by NT-Project Fluctuation engine speed for crankshaft inertia - Crankshaft Balance Design by NT-Project