INTAKE Bellmouth DESIGN - input data

INTAKE Bellmouth DESIGN - Dati di Input per il calcolo e il disegno del cornetto di aspirazione - by NT-Project

The software INTAKE Bellmouth DESIGN allows you to insert some data to characterize the type of flow that will be established in the intake ducts of the engine during its operation. Need to enter the type of engine, the unitary displacement, the duration of the intake timing, the maximun engine speed and the diameter of carburetor or the diameter of throttle body where you think to apply the intake bellmouth. These data will allow to calculate the Mach number and then refine the geometry of the intake bellmouth for different operating conditions.

You can also define the step of precision for the coordinates storing and for the design of the intake bellmouth.

Finally, choose the algorithm that you want to use:
- Related to the Mach number, named ASME;
- Derived from calculation and experimental fluid dynamics, named CFD.

And we will choose the profile that will follow the sizing :
- elliptical;
- airfoil (NACA).

INTAKE Bellmouth DESIGN - Tipologie di profili calcolati per il disegno del cornetto di aspirazione - by NT-Project