PROFESSIONAL CAM PRO - valve train system

Besides the definition of the lift law, another important aspect is the insertion of the characteristics of the valve train system for which the cam must be achieved. In fact, in function of the valve train system is calculated the specific cam profile which will be able to realize the desired lift law.

The software PROFESSIONAL CAM PRO is designed to calculate the cam profiles of all the main valve train systems, from those at direct attack, both with flat tappet, both with roller centered or offset, to those with rocker arms or finger arms, until to the systems with pushrods and rocker arms, both with flat tappet, both with roller centered or offset.

In the version BASIC of the software there are only the valve train system with direct attack,  both with flat tappet, both with roller tappet centered or offset.
Valve train system - Flat Tappet direct attack - software Professional Cam by NT-Project Valve train system - Rocker Arm - software Professional Cam by NT-Project Valve train system - Finger Arm - software Professional Cam by NT-Project
Valve train system - Pushrod - Rocker Arm - Roller tappet - software Professional Cam by NT-Project Valve train system - Roller Tappet direct attack - software Professional Cam by NT-Project Valve train system - Pushrod - Rocker Arm - Flat tappet - software Professional Cam by NT-Project