By entering together with the combustion chamber the data also those of the engine the software PROFESSIONAL CAM PRO can perform the simulation of the movement of the valves and of the piston in the entire engine cycle, thus will be possible to see in real time if there are possible interferences, and the margins of contact that there are.
PROFESSIONAL CAM PRO - design hemispheric combustion chamber - check interference valves piston PROFESSIONAL CAM PRO - design roof combustion chamber - check interference valves piston
PROFESSIONAL CAM PRO - check valves piston interference
If interference occurs between the valves, or between the valves and the piston, the software stores the angular position where there is the maximum interference, and the magnitude of such interference, thereby it will be possible to know with precision as must be made the milling on the piston, or how you must change the geometry of the chamber, or the squish to have optimal operation.