SET-UP TWO STROKE - data entry

Software SET-UP TWO STROKE - Carburation - Ignition Timing - Heat Range - Spark Gap - Optimal fine tuning for two stroke engine by NT-Project After you must enter the information about the carburetion, the diameter of the carburetor which is applied to the engine, the state of the carburation in the initial conditions (you must enter a value of Air / Fuel Ratio detected by the oxygen sensor or that identify the state of carburetion, lean , optimal or rich). Finally, the main jet which is mounted in the initial conditions. Since the carburetion is fundmental, the software allows you to enter other values (yellow rectangle) in order to assess the effects that give other calibration on reliability and performance of the engine.
Software SET-UP TWO STROKE - Carburation - Ignition Timing - Heat Range - Spark Gap - Optimal fine tuning for two stroke engine by NT-Project Then you enter the informations about ignition, first of all the ignition timing mechanically applied to the engine, then the eventual advance imposed by the ECU. In addition to these data should be entered the heat range and the gap of the spark plug that you are using.
Like for the opening of the exhaust port,  also for advance of ignition the software will automatically calculate the value in the other unit and this can be useful during stage of setting.
SET-UP TWO STROKE - Calculation Advance of Ignition - by NT-Project