In addition to the load acting on the wheels, Another key parameter
which affects adherence that can offer the tire is the
camber taking moment by moment on the wheels.
The software Kart Analysis performs this calculation, so
you can see the camber which have the wheels in the different points of
the track, and this is the key to see if the setup adjustments
choices are able to make working properly the
In fact, the camber causes opposite effects on adherence, a negative camber causes a boost of camber
favorable that increases the cornering grip, on the other hand camber different from zero reduce the contact area of the wheels and
consequently there is a decrease of adhesion in traction and
braking. For this reason the choices of set-up should be in
able to offer the best compromise to have the best
performance in the lap. NT-Project has developed an index of camber
(Camber Index) that analyzes if the camber angle in the
different parts of the circuit determines positive or negative effects
taking into account the actual needs that there are in that particular
point (traction, braking, distance curve).