SET-UP TWO STROKE - data entry

The first data to be entered are those related to the engine. The majority of the data is easily detectable, while for what concerns Trapping Ratio, Turbulence and Volumetric Efficiency, the software has already pre-set the values most usual and in any case will be to you recommended by NT-Project in relation to your engine and his level of preparation.
Software SET-UP TWO STROKE - Carburation - Ignition Timing - Heat Range - Spark Gap - Optimal fine tuning for two stroke engine by NT-Project
Among the parameters on which it intervenes in the fine tuning there are certainly the squish, the compression ratio and the opening angle of the exhaust ports, and these are changed by adjusting the thickness of the cylinder and head gaskets, for this in the software over the standard configuration, you can enter other combinations of these parameters (yellow rectangle).

Software SET-UP TWO STROKE - Carburation - Ignition Timing - Heat Range - Spark Gap - Optimal fine tuning for two stroke engine by NT-Project

The software immediately shows you how change the relative values to vary the thicknesses used for the gaskets (yellow circles)