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GEARBOX DESIGN software to find the optimals gear ratios and engine inertia
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GEARBOX DESIGN The choices of the gear ratios and of the final drive ratio are fundamental to make the most of the engine power, but are also the most difficult to perform, in fact depend from the characteristics of the engine, of the vehicle, and from the weather and the grip conditions . Thanks to the software Gearbox Design you can take into account of all these aspects and easily find the best gear ratios for your specific case, moreover you can identify the optimal upshift engine speed, and study the inertia of the engine that allows you to improve further the performance.

How it works?

The software Gearbox Design allows to see how the choices of the gear ratios affect the performance of the vehicle (speed, acceleration, etc.) in function of the engine power curve, allowing you therefore to find with ease the best solutions for your needs.
To be able to make the best choices is necessary that the calculation is very precise, for this reason the software Gearbox Design takes into account of all the factors that influence the performance.
- vehicle weight - wheels axle inertia
- aerodynamic drag - weather conditions
- rolling resistance - vehicle balance
- engine inertia - grip level
- gearbox inertia  

In addition to this the software Gearbox Design allows you to manage the upshift engine speed and the time duration of the gear shift, that can change in function of the gearbox model, or for the ability of the driver, and that they also influence the performance and therefore the choices to be made.

The operation of the software is very simple.
For first you must enter the data of the engine power curve. The power curve can be measured with dynotest, or can be calculated directly from the software Gearbox Design entering the data acquired from your acquisition system in a session on track.

Together to this you must enter some features of the engine (type, stroke, displacement), and if you know them, the values of the crankshaft inertia, and of eventuals auxiliaries (flywheel, ignition system, clutch).
GEARBOX DESIGN Optimal Design gear ratios - final drive ratio - upshift engine speed - engine inertia by NT-Project
You must then enter the informations of the vehicle, and of the driving wheels. In addition to the total weight of the vehicle with driver, must be inserted, the frontal area, and the diameter of the wheels. The values of aerodynamic drag, of the rolling resistance, and of the wheels inertia, if aren't known can be derived from the examples present in the software for all the main competition vehicles (kart, motorbike, cross, motard, car, etc.) GEARBOX DESIGN Optimal Design gear ratios - final drive ratio - upshift engine speed - engine inertia by NT-Project
These data are sufficient to perform the calculation assuming that the adherence allows to exploit all the engine power, but the software Gearbox Design allows also to perform the calculation taking account of the real adherence avalaible, in this way you can make the choices of the gear ratios also on the basis of this important factor. It will be enough enter in the software also the data relatives to the gravity of the vehicle, and to the grip level. GEARBOX DESIGN Optimal Design gear ratios - final drive ratio - upshift engine speed - engine inertia by NT-Project
At the end you must simply enter the gear ratios, and the final drive ratio, that you want test. In addition to this the software allows you to indicate the engine speed where you want make the upshift gear.

At this point you can perform the calculation to see the performance, and to test new solutions to have improvements for your needs.
GEARBOX DESIGN Optimal Design gear ratios - final drive ratio - upshift engine speed - engine inertia by NT-Project


At the end of the calculation the software Gearbox Design shows you the maximum speed reached in each gear, and the time taken to reach it. Moreover shows you the time necessary to reach the differents speed. In this way you will have a complete picture, of the choices made, and when you compare the different solutions to be tested. GEARBOX DESIGN Optimal Design gear ratios - final drive ratio - upshift engine speed - engine inertia by NT-Project
In addition to the global data, the software shows you the graphs in function of the time of all the of all the quantities of main interest to evaluate the performance, therefore the progress of the engine speed, of the speed, and of the acceleration, in the differents gears shift. This allows you to evaluate the performance in all its phases, allowing you to evaluate in the detail the most appropriate choices for each gear. GEARBOX DESIGN Optimal Design gear ratios - final drive ratio - upshift engine speed - engine inertia by NT-Project
GEARBOX DESIGN Optimal Design gear ratios - final drive ratio - upshift engine speed - engine inertia by NT-Project GEARBOX DESIGN Optimal Design gear ratios - final drive ratio - upshift engine speed - engine inertia by NT-Project

The software Gearbox Design allows to find the optimal gear ratios, infact allows to compare the performance with the differents solutions, and therefore to find easily that more adapted at your needs.
For example in the case shown the new gear ratios (blue) allow to have a better performance until to 115 km/hr, so in the tracks where you stay little time above this speed, the solution found is certainly improving. Just to make people understand the importance of the gear ratios, in the case shown you earn 2-3 cents each acceleration, it seems little, but in a track with 10 corners, they are 2-3 tenths a lap, which makes a big difference to win.
GEARBOX DESIGN Optimal Design gear ratios - final drive ratio - upshift engine speed - engine inertia by NT-Project
GEARBOX DESIGN Optimal Design gear ratios - final drive ratio - upshift engine speed - engine inertia by NT-Project GEARBOX DESIGN Optimal Design gear ratios - final drive ratio - upshift engine speed - engine inertia by NT-Project

In addition to the choice of the gear ratios, another aspect very important is the choice of the final drive ratio, especially from track to track. The software Gearbox Design allows you to see how changes the performance in function of the final drive ratio, so you can know based on the different final ratios, which choice can be best for the different situations. GEARBOX DESIGN Optimal Design gear ratios - final drive ratio - upshift engine speed - engine inertia by NT-Project
GEARBOX DESIGN Optimal Design gear ratios - final drive ratio - upshift engine speed - engine inertia by NT-Project GEARBOX DESIGN Optimal Design gear ratios - final drive ratio - upshift engine speed - engine inertia by NT-Project
In the case shown, for the characteristics of this engine the change of the final ratio leads to a substantial gain, but at the expense of the maximum speed, so thanks to this information will be easy to make the right choice based on the characteristics of the track.

An other aspect very important, above all for the two stroke engines, is that to trovare find the engine speed where is better to make the gear upshift to have the maximum acceleration, the software Gearbox Analysis in function of the characteristics of your engine allows you to identify this value, and then to advise the driver with certainty how to manage the gear upshift to be faster. GEARBOX DESIGN Optimal Design gear ratios - final drive ratio - upshift engine speed - engine inertia by NT-Project
GEARBOX DESIGN Optimal Design gear ratios - final drive ratio - upshift engine speed - engine inertia by NT-Project GEARBOX DESIGN Optimal Design gear ratios - final drive ratio - upshift engine speed - engine inertia by NT-Project
In the case shown, delaying the gear upshift leads to improved performance, however, everything is linked to the characteristics of the engine, and which is the optimal value must be evalueted case by case, thanks to the software Gearbox Design you can make the best choice specific for your engine and for your vehicle.

A factor that has become increasingly important in the competitions is the engine inertia, in fact for many years has been tried to reduce to the maximum the inertia to gain in acceleration, after has been understood that this also has counterproductive effects, so is necessary to find the optimal compromise. In fact the inertia can be used to smooth the engine with high torque, and this can be useful for example for the motorbike, or in the cross, or can improve the upshift gear, and this is very important in the two stroke engines, as for example in the kart. The software Gearbox Design allows you to compare differents solutions as you can easily see how the performance changes and which advantages each solution can bring compared to the other. GEARBOX DESIGN Optimal Design gear ratios - final drive ratio - upshift engine speed - engine inertia by NT-Project
GEARBOX DESIGN Optimal Design gear ratios - final drive ratio - upshift engine speed - engine inertia by NT-Project GEARBOX DESIGN Optimal Design gear ratios - final drive ratio - upshift engine speed - engine inertia by NT-Project
In the case shown, you can see that for these engine and vehicle, increasing the inertia brings a deterioration in performance until to 70-80 km/hr, after there is an advantage, moreover you can see that there is a lower decrease of the engine speed in the gear shift to the advantage of the fluidity of driving.

Obviously every engine and every vehicle require differents choices, for this reason the help of the software Gearbox Design is essential, and allows you to find the best solutions to make the most of the different power curves, but also to better meet the different needs that there are in function of the competition (kart, motorbike, cross, motard, car, etc.), or of the driving style of the driver.

Just to make understand again better how the optimal choice depends from many factors, we show you
how changes the performance assuming full adherence respect to consider the adehrence that really the vehicle can give. You can see how in the reality the acceleration that the engine can give in function of its power, is limited in function of the grip level of the track, and in function of the features of the vehicle (weight, balance, wheel driving axle), therefore without to take account of these factors, you risk to make wrong choices with gear ratios that instead to improve the acceleration, for example increase the wheels slipping making driving more difficult, wearing and overheating the tires.
GEARBOX DESIGN Optimal Design gear ratios - final drive ratio - upshift engine speed - engine inertia by NT-Project
Instead, thanks to the software Gearbox Design you can fully consider this aspect and to make the choices, of the gear ratios, of the final drive ratio, but also of the upshift engine speed, and of the engine inertia, taking into account everything that affects the performance, and then to find the solutions to be really faster on the track.



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