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you can work a lot on the engine, on the chassis, on the tires, but
at the end who should reap the fruits of this work, is the
rider, for this quickly understand how he is driving, where
he can improve, is essential to be winner.
In this, data acquisition plays a key role to
analyze the performance, but to see how the rider has drove needs time and experience, instead thanks to the software Rider
Analysis you can analyze fastly the driving of the rider in
all the point of the track, and in all the phases of the driving,
braking, entry corner, corner speed, and exit corner, giving to the rider
valuable advices to be faster. |
it works?
The use of the
software Rider Analysis is really easy, in fact you should
only import the file acquired from your acquisition system
and in a few seconds the software
will analyze the performance of your rider.
The software immediately recognizes your
COSWORTH, GET) and shows you the lap times you have made, so
you can eliminate from the calculation the laps with too
many driving errors, and select only the lap that you want
to analyze specifically. In addition, the software shows you
the channels that has recognized, giving you the ability to
easily select the channels with different names from the
standard ones. |
Results |
The software Rider Analysis analyzes the session that
you've carried out to see how the rider has drove in
each sector of the track, for all the laps of the session.
Specifically, it analyzes for each sector:
The braking phase is very important for this for each
lap the software Rider Analysis shows in the sector under examination the braking point,
the braking space and the speed of braking. It will be therefore
easy to understand if the rider is constant in the braking, the
braking where instead is in difficulty, and if the best braking
corresponds to the best lap, showing you if there are margins of
improvement on the best lap time performed. |
Another very important phase is the corner, from the entry to the exit. The software Rider Analysis shows in the sector under examination the minimum speed, the
average entry speed, and the average exit speed, so you can immediately
understand if the rider tackle the corner with confidence,
if is always faster in the exit, or if sometimes has an
entry fast, for after to exit slow, and, if the lap with the
best corner speed is the same of the best lap time. |
Another very important aspect is the choice of the racing
line to be faster, so the software Rider Analysis
calculates for each corner as the rider, showing the
corner radius at the entry and at the exit,
in this way it will be easy to see the corners where it is constant
in the line, and if the entry and exit phases are
homogeneous, and where instead it is inconstant, and therefore it is
necessary pay attention to improve the lap time. |
The corner exit is essential to be as much as possible
fast in the next straight, for this the
software shows you the average speed in the sections successive
at every corner, in this way it will be easy to see how much
the performance on the straight depends from the differents exit corner
that the rider makes lap by lap. |
In addition to these calculations, the software also focuses
attention on the line applied by the rider in each corner,
showing to you sector by sector the comparison
between the lap where he had a better line, and the one where
instead it was worse. |

In this example we can see that in the lap 1 (blue) there
are many indecisions at the entry, moreover the exit is very
slow, on the contrary in the lap 2 (red) the line is more
uniform at the entry, and at the exit the rider goes
towards a straight trajectory very quickly, so it can
accelerate quickly. |
Example of Analysis |
To show you how much it is easy to analyze the driving
of your rider with the software Rider Analysis, we show you
some examples of results analysis.
Considering the session of the results above shown, in this
session the best lap has been the 2, if we watch the sector
1 you can easily see that in the lap 2, the rider has
made the best braking (braked after and shorter braking
distance), while both for the speed, both for the racing
line, the lap 1 has been much better, therefore thanks to the software Rider
Analysis you can already understand with easiness that this for
example is a point where the rider if puts more attention can
improve, therefore resulting overall faster. |
On the other hand, if we look the sector 4 of the track, in
the lap 2 the rider has done better from the braking to the
corner, while in lap 1 the rider has entered wider for then
tighten more the corner, penalizing the exit speed. In any
case, it is a sector where the rider's behavior is very
similar in the two laps in question, therefore thanks to the software
Rider Analysis
you can clearly understand that this is a point where the rider is
consistent and has no indecisions to improve. |
From this simple example it is easy to understand how
thanks to the software
Rider Analysis the analysis of the acquisition data to evaluate the
driving of the rider will be extremely
effective and fast, in this way your rider will be able to
easily understand where he can improve, knowing exactly the points on which
must focus attention to be faster, and if he has to
work, on the braking, or on entering of the corner, through the corner, or
at the exit, or on the line, this is fundamental
because often the rider do not understand why the lap time does not come out, and maybe exaggerate in points where instead already has a good performance,
neglecting those where is really in difficulty.
The software works with all
the main acquisition systems, and usually the sensors
normally present are sufficient, however if before
of the purchase you want us to verify your files you can fill in the appropriate form
Purchase |
NT-PROJECT - Ferrara (Italy)
- info@ntproject.com |
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