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for the presentation |
to exploit at the maximum the potential of the motorbike engine is
necessary to use the best gear ratio. The choice
of front and rear sprockets depepnds from the features of the
track and from the weather and grip conditions that there
are, for this the choice isn't easy and should be found by trial,
but in the race w.e there isn't the time, moreover the
conditions change continuously,
so you go a little blindly.
The software SET-UP Gear
instead allows you to choose without fail before even to
go on the track the optimal final drive ratio of the motorbike in function of the track and of the conditions
that there are, so you'll can make the difference in each session of qualify and race. |
How it works?
To be able to find the gear ratio that allows you to get the
best performance on a given track, in the atmospheric and grip
conditions that there are, so far we have relied on the experience
accumulated in previous sessions on that track, or to the sensations
of the rider in the previous run, however, in a w.e of race the
weather and the track conditions change continuously, so the
information passed often are of little use, for this reason
NT-Project has developed the software SET-UP Gear
that allows to simulate the performance of the motorbike on the
different tracks in function of the characteristics of the chassis,
the engine, the tires, and the final drive ratio used, obviously
depending on the weather and grip conditions, in this way, you can quickly find the sprockets to use
to get the best performance and to make the best choice first
still to go on the track.
As you can see from the following graph the performance simulated by
the software has a remarkable precision compared to the real drive
(the only differences in some points are related to a better
exploitation of the grip by the virtual rider compared to
the real one),
therefore the indications on the optimal transmission ratio to use are
fully realistic. |
The software SET-UP Gear as well as helping you in choosing the final drive ratio,
in motorbike engines with gearbox, it also helps you to to find the engine speed of upshift and downshift to exploit at the best your engine, moreover in the motorbike where you can manage the distribution of
braking between front and rear, tells you which is the optimal setting of the braking distributor.
To use the software is very easy, in fact you will have to simply
choose in your software, your motorbike category, the engine that you
use, the tires, and the track where you want to calculate the
optimal final drive ratio.
The data necessary are very easy to find, in fact :
for the motorbike is necessary to carry out some measures to
determine the wheelbase and the balance, while for what
concerns the drag resistance can be used sample data fully
adequate for most of the motorbikes. |
for the engine the power curve must be entered, this can be
detected at the dyno, or, if you have a data acquisition
system on the motorbike, it can be calculated directly by
the software, importing the data of a session. In addition
to these data, the gearbox gear pair ratios must be entered. |
for the wheels the dimensions and the grip characteristics
must be inserted, for these you can use example data for the
most used tires, or, if you have a data acquisition system
on the motorbike, they can be calculated directly by the
software, importing the data of a session. |
for the track, since the track line significantly determines
the result, it is advisable to use the data acquired on the
track of interest, and calculate the trajectory directly
with the software. |
At this point inserting the weather conditions and the level
of grip, you can simulate 3 configurations of the front and
rear sprockets to find the one that allows you to get the
best lap time. |
Results |
In a few seconds the software SET-UP Gear shows you the results of the simulated performance in the different configurations.
The most important data is the lap time, that allows you
to find immediately the best configuration, in the case of
the example the final drive ratio used in the configuration
3 has given the best lap.
In addition to the lap time, however, is also shown how the
throttle should be choked depending on the configuration
chosen, this is important to understand if the final drive
ratio chosen tends to generate a more consistent slide that
can lead to an early wear of the tires. In the case shown,
configuration 1 needs more throttle cut, while the 2 allows
to exploit the gearbox differently and to be able to use the
throttle more easily, but at the expense of the lap
performance, so even under this aspect the configuration 3
is the best compromise. |
The software in addition to the lap time, and to the average thottle
cut, shows also the graphs of the speed, of the engine speed, and,
in the engine with gearbox, of the gear shift used, so will be possible
also analyze in the detail how in the differents point of the track,
the differents final drive ratio influence the performance.

Others features
As said initially the software SET-UP Gear allows to calculate
directly from the data acquired from your acquisition,
the power curve of your engine, the tyres grip, and the track line
carried out by your rider, in this way the calculation of the
better transmission ratio will be even more accurate for your case
specific. |
Others Results |
In addition to the possibility to simulate the performance changing the
final drive ratio the software allows to find which is the
operating range to exploit at the best the motorbike engine, in fact is
possible to keep fix the final drive ratio and to modify the upshift and downshift engine speed to see which are the optimals to obtain the best lap time.
In the example shown, you can see that the utilization ranges chosen in the
configurations 2 and 3 give to a very similar performance, but
in the 2, against a slight advantage, is necessary to cut much more the throttle, so maybe you can take advantage to use the
engine in this way in qualify, but in the race is better to stay on
a different utilization to preserve better the tires. Thanks to the software
SET-UP Gear, is therefore easy to suggest to the rider in which operating range
to use the engine to get the best performance, and to do the
best choices also to take account of the tires duration.
For the motorbike where is possible to manage the braking with the
distributor, an other important calculation that performs the software SET-UP Gear
is that to find the brake distributor setup to obtain the most effective braking in function of the track and of the grip condition.
In the example shown you can see that on the track under
examination, to distribute the braking more on the front gives an
improvement until to 60%, after tends to get worse. The optimal
value obviously changes in function of the features of the track,
and of the grip conditions, and since that are little differences
often for the rider isn't easy to understand on which direction
move the distribution to improve, instead thanks to the software
SET-UP Gear you can find the best setup of the braking distribution
fastly and with precision for each track and on every condition.
How you've seen the software SET-UP Gear allows you to improve the performance
finding the optimal setup to exploit at the best your motorbike engine (optimal final drive ratio and optimal engine operating range), and to
the most effective braking.
Purchase |
NT-PROJECT - Ferrara (Italy)
- info@ntproject.com |
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